IVF Support
Acupuncture Enhance IVF Treatment
The benefits of acupuncture in conjunction with IVF has been well studied, and it is well accepted that acupuncture has a notable increase in pregnancy when undergoing IVF.
Does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture provides better blood flows to both womb and ovaries, which the eggs will be nourished and carried. Acupuncture also improves the thickness of uterine lining, which can help with implantation. Finally, acupuncture regulates hormones, such as to increase of progesterone output. It is an important factor in decreasing the probability of having a miscarriage.
“Nourish the soil before planting the seed’’
In fact, it needs three months from a follicle to a quality egg. Therefore, the ideal time to prepare your body for a baby is three months prior to the embryo transfer taking place. In our practice, we will work out an individualized treatment plan that suits you to get you the best chance of achieving pregnancy. Generally, we recommend once weekly treatment until getting appositive pregnancy test and once weekly acupuncture treatment for the first trimester to reduce the risk of miscarriage.
We list the different stages during IVF treatment when acupuncture may be involved:
Pre-Embryo Transfer
Benefits: Prior to IVF, acupuncture is used to help maximize fertility by increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries as well as upregulating reproductive hormones to improve ovarian and follicular functions such as egg quality and endometrial thickness.
Treatment schedule: at least once weekly treatment for three months before eggs retrieve.
On the day of embryo transfer
Benefits: Treatment of acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer is focused on reducing stress and relaxing state of mind. Also, acupuncture helps to improve the circulation of energy around the uterus and fallopian tubes to optimize environment for implantation.
Treatment schedule: 2 acupuncture treatments on the day of embryo transfer, including one before the transfer and another one after the transfer.
Three days after egg collection
Benefits: acupuncture is used to heal the trauma and preventing uterine cramping after surgery and replenish energy for implantation.
Treatment schedule: 1 treatment 2 or 3 days after egg retrieval.
On the day of embryo transfer
After you conceive
Benefits: Acupuncture treatment during the first trimester is designed to strength the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall, therefore, acupuncture helps to reduce miscarriage. Acupuncture can also help settle the fetus and treat morning sickness.
Treatment schedule: once weekly until the end of week 12.